STILL sets a benchmark in order picking
The feelgood factor determines performance
By introducing the OPX and MX-X type series, STILL has once again enlarged its product range with new order picking trucks, and serves the market with the youngest fleet of order pickers. The new narrow-aisle trucks (man-up) with swivel traverse or telescopic forks, the iGo neo CX 20 autonomous order picker presented in 2016, the recently presented OPX horizontal order picker and the EK X 10 introduced at the start of the year, are also equipped with numerous ingeniously designed ergonomic improvements and smart assistance systems to ensure the operator’s well-being. Thus STILL brings the most valuable assets in the warehouse – people – into centre stage. Interested trade visitors will be able to take a close look at STILL’s new fleet of order-pickers on Stands B55 and B61 in Hall 10 at the LogiMAT trade fair in Stuttgart, the 16th International specialist trade fair for intralogistics solutions and process management.
STILL Order pickers

Fast, efficient warehouse processes are decisive for logistics companies. Order picking is especially important in this respect, because it is the measure of customer satisfaction. Challenges that logistics providers need to cope with in this area include increasing pressure on costs due to growing order volumes in the booming online retail trade, the smaller number of articles per order, and an ever-increasing diversity of product ranges and variants.
Thomas A. Fischer, STILL GmbH’s Managing Director for Sales, Marketing and Service, explains: “Against this background, we have rigorously examined our truck concepts in the order-picking area to determine how much more optimisation potential exists, taking customers’ workflow processes into account, to ensure the constantly rising process requirements of modern logistics are met in an optimum way. The determining parameter for us in this respect is people’s feelgood factor, because this decisively co-determines the extent of efficiency increases in order picking.”
The outcome is a real fireworks of new order-picking products:
The MX-X narrow-aisle truck – perfection in performance and convenience
STILL’s new MX-X (man-up) narrow-aisle trucks with swivel traverse or telescopic forks, a load capacity of up to 1,500 kg and driving speed of up to 14 km/h, unique in the market, are high turnover warehouse helpers in narrow-aisle warehouses in the paper and steel industry, in mechanical engineering and in commerce, logistics or retail. Their outstandingly good performance and user friendliness enthuses operators and management alike.
Operators’ hearts beat faster: The cabin is 50 mm larger as standard. Remaining load-carrying capacities have risen further due to the increased stability of the swivel traverse and masts. Not only has the new design of the swivel traverse forks improved the stability of the additional lift, it has also shortened the order-picking distance, i.e. the cabin-to-pallet spacing, by 40 mm. This enables better visibility and easier access to the load.
The intuitive controls and clever assistance systems, which guarantee safe, pleasant and efficient working during the whole shift, also deserve emphasis alongside the improved provision of space. For this STILL re-engineered the control panel. A truck operator can for the first time set an individually customised key layout automatically. For example, he can save frequently utilised lift heights on the first level of his control panel without needing to click through a menu. All the important driving parameters, e.g. load weight, lift height, steering angle, speed or the Optispeed 4.0 functions, can be seen at a glance on the colour display.
The viewing window was enlarged by 80 mm downwards to give the operator an optimum view of the forks and load even in a sitting position. An inclining gate reduces the distance drivers need to reach when accessing the shelf. Furthermore, the cabin mounting was re-engineered to reduce vibrations when storing and retrieving pallets and to increase the pick-rate when picking orders.
The performance of the trucks is also unbeatable: The MX-X achieves a maximum driving speed of up to 14 km/h, and up to 10 km/h with purely inductive positive guidance. Lifting speeds are up to 0.6 m/s and lowering speeds up to 0.45 m/s. This allows fast pallet storage and retrieval at any height. The additional lift reaches lift speeds of 0.31 m/s without load detection, and up to 0.47 m/s with the load detection option.
Together with the additional lift, the load can be raised effortlessly to lift heights of more than 18 m. The main lift and additional lift can be raised simultaneously to increase access speed. The operator can drive to the shelf compartment quicker, and can store or retrieve goods in a flowing movement. This brings pallets to the handover point significantly faster. STILL also re-engineered the swivel traverse forks and made their design more compact to improve the stability of the swivel traverse forks and make them run more quietly. The control chain when swivelling the forks has also been eliminated. An effect that saves costs in service.
But that’s not all: the MX-X narrow-aisle truck’s Active Load Stabilisation (ALS) is an absolute world first. To give greater safety when putting into and retrieving from storage, and to accelerate the order picking process, the load is stabilised in a similar way to the active load stabilisation on STILL’s FM-X reach truck. That means the hydraulic controller reduces mast vibrations when putting into and retrieving from storage by up to 90%. This is achieved based on intelligent control of the extension speed and extension distance, taking into account lateral mast tilt, lift height, forks position and load weight. As well as more uniform storage depth, this also results in up to 5% higher goods handling performance when storing and retrieving.
Another special highlight is STILL’s new planning software, with which the MX-X can be configured on the spot in the customer’s premises. From the modular building block system of the MX-X type series, the customer can configure, test and optimise various types of MX-X and can calculate the best possible equipment for his machine. In short: the MX-X is a must for anyone who wants to make his warehouse more compact and focuses on high goods handling performance, while bearing his employees’ wellbeing in mind at the same time.
OPX horizontal order pickers – allrounders with inspiring dynamism
STILL’s OPX type series of horizontal order-pickers are all-round talents that show their strength in the central warehouses of retailers, the automobile industry, in distribution centres, in the food industry and in the area of third party logistics (3PL), i.e. wherever goods need to be picked at a high picking density, long distances have to be covered, and maximum efficiency is demanded. With load capacities of 1.2 to 2.5 tons, the type series comprises a total of nine order pickers – including a double deck truck, a truck with a scissors lift and a tugger truck. With battery capacities up to 620 Ah and a driving speed of up to 14 km/h with the Plus models, these nimble order pickers are ideal for multi-shift use.
STILL’s OPX type series scores points not only with an operator-friendly overall design concept but also with several USPs, e.g. a new pneumatically sprung driver’s seat and driver’s stand for long distances, the 5 wheel drive for optimum traction, the new STILL EASY Drive steering wheel and STILL Easy Move, with which the truck can be intuitively operated and precisely manoeuvred, and which ensures the highest efficiency when picking orders. But the lower order picking level is not the only place where the OPX is fast-moving; by using the elevating driver’s stand the operator together with the STILL EASY Drive steering wheel achieve a reaching height of 2.80 m, and can not only manoeuvre at a lofty height but also drive to the next picking station. This saves valuable time. In brief: anyone wanting to attain efficiency through fatigue-free working will go for the OPX type series.
The EK-X 10 vertical order picker – a new dimension in order picking
Due to its extremely compact truck dimensions and great flexibility, the EK-X 10 vertical order picker proves its ability in both broad aisle and narrow aisle working. Depending on operational requirements, the truck is available with a powerful, reliable 24 V 3-phase drive system. With load capacities up to 1,000 kg, a maximum driving speed of up to 10 km/h and lifting speeds of up to 0.32 m/s, the speedy warehouse helper ensures efficient goods handling in applications such as the paper and steel industry, mechanical engineering, commerce, logistics or retail, - including multi-shift working. The truck also easily achieves large reach heights up to 6.350 m.
At the same time, in the roomy, shock-absorbing driver’s cabin, the operator enjoys very great freedom of movement and ergonomic operator controls through which he can steer the truck sensitively. A large visual field ensures he always maintains an overview and can handle his loads safely. The modular construction system and great variety of equipment variants allow the truck to be matched to different warehouse profiles. In short: anyone who wants to operate his order picking warehouse as efficiently as possible cannot do without the flexible EK-X 10. Those who want to go even higher can turn to the big brother in the family, the EK-X, with reach heights of up to 12 m, driving speeds of 13 km/h and lifting speeds up to 0.4 m/s.
The iGO neo CX 20 - interactive teamwork between man and machine
Last year, with the iGo neo CX 20 autonomously acting order picking truck, STILL broke through the barrier from a purely automated truck to a team player with shared thinking that interacts with its surroundings. The iGo neo can move around intelligently by recognising its environment and its operator, and follows only him every step of the way. In contrast to an automated truck, a so-called AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle), that drives along a rigidly defined track and cannot independently avoid obstacles in its path, the autonomous truck is able at any time not only to react to changes in its surroundings and to distinguish between static and dynamic objects and persons, but also to adapt its speed to the operator’s walking pace. The iGo neo uses its cognitive skills to recognise the operator’s intentions based on his movements, and automatically drives in parallel with him from station to station. At the same time, it always takes up a loading position that is optimum for the user. In this way, the autonomous helper attains a time saving of up to 30%, with significantly higher picking performance. The truck relieves the order picker from fatiguing movements, e.g. constantly getting on and off the truck. In brief: STILL’s innovative in-house development is ideal for customers that have very demanding order picking tasks and are one step ahead of the future.
According to Fischer: “With this concentrated power of new trucks, we can not only justifiably claim to possess the youngest, most modern order picking fleet on the market, but also to be unrivalled in offering our customers the biggest, most varied range for almost every application, and with maximum driver convenience and comfort. Because only someone working in a fatigue-free way can call on consistently high performance for the whole duration of his shift.” This makes STILL’s new order pickers a perfect combination of high goods handling performance and ergonomics that pays dividends for customers in the form of a competitive order picking advantage.
STILL Order pickers