
Expert advice for the future
Efficient processes, harmonised fleets and profitable integration of new technologies: Expert advice has always been an asset in the field of intralogistics. STILL customers have come to appreciate this from the very first hour. Company founder Hans Still promised not only quick assistance but also in-depth consulting – and that is what he provided! His recipe for success contains transparency, a solution-focused approach, expertise and individuality. The intralogistics experts at STILL have been using these key factors since 2017 as the basis for offering intralogistics consulting as a stand-alone service which goes far beyond the norm.
Excellent advice and tailored solutions
Over the course of a century and on the basis of individual advice, STILL has provided tailored and innovative solutions across the entire product range for every challenge faced in the world of increasingly complex movements of goods. As early as the late 1940s, when Hans Still received one of his first large orders, his approach was to advise his customers based on their individual needs and to offer a solution tailored accordingly – the EK 2000 electric cart for Deutsche Bundesbahn, the West German state railway company. Narrow, nimble and flexible, it was the result of intensive development work and a perfect match for the limited space available on platforms and in loading sidings.
There is no ”Cannot be done” at STILL:
Individual solutions call for exceptional advice
As transport logistics changes, so do the needs of customers. And since customer requirements are always a priority at STILL, our growing portfolio continues to evolve. Vehicle concepts and consultancy services are more strongly geared to industry and customer-specific processes. This results, for instance, in products such as the 'modular system' for vehicles. Our comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the industry and customer processes enables STILL to configure trucks that precisely meet the requirements. The STILL product and system consultants work with the customer to develop the perfect combination of vehicle and system components. Should a customer require specifications that are not covered by the standard portfolio, then individual customer options are provided.
Good advice is more important than a quick sale
Expertise and trust are the basis
When salespersons become advisers and service technicians become reliable assistants, then the foundation is laid for a strong, trust-based partnership – long after the contract has been signed. Not only do our STILL technicians provide high-quality sales consultancy, their extensive specialist knowledge plays a key role in forming such a partnership. Back in 1947, Hans Still sent the first customer service vehicle out onto the roads. Today, our technicians' knowledge of their customers' processes and requirements remains one of the strongest driving forces behind needs-based solutions. It generates trust and, most of all, it delivers commercial success for our customers.

In-depth consulting reduces costs and promotes growth
Efficient processes are one of the pillars of economic success. Here is where good advice truly pays off. Solutions succeed in the long term when individual processes and industry standards are taken into account during planning and future requirements are anticipated. The example of Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services shows why this is so important: Each type of aircraft has its own replacement parts logistics system with tens of thousands of different parts. On the basis of in-depth consulting, analysis and design by STILL, the operative warehouse management is centralised, which, for example, reduces transport routes and rental costs. By bringing together the latest and more efficient storage technology, timely provision of aircraft components for the new Airbus A350 is also guaranteed. "With the new replacement parts warehouse, we can react flexibly to different job loads," says Oliver Hartung-Senger, Head of Central Affairs and Projects.
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Good advice is a skill best left to professionals
Intralogistics consultancy: A 'product' with added value
The development of logistic concepts such as those at Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services requires a transparent and clearly structured consultancy process. They key question is always which goals the customer wants to achieve along his supply chains..From the efficient use of resources to reducing complexity and the optimisation of capacity, the requirements are as different as the companies that come to us for advice.
Consultancy as an independent service
STILL has been offering consultancy as an independent service for several years. STILL intralogistics consultancy team brings their expertise to the table whenever customers want more than product or system advice: comprehensive solutions which cover large parts of a company's value-added chain and create an intelligent and efficient logistics concept by combining all elements of the various material and information flows. After all, the more complex the intralogistics processes and storage environments, the greater the need for consultancy – and the greater the gain. Particularly since there has been a fundamental shift in the understanding of intralogistics in recent years and it has now become an increasingly important factor in a company's success. Customers have equally high expectations of their intralogistics solutions.

Four steps to success
Facts, figures, data – from the acquisition of data to a customised concept
STILL's approach to consultancy involves four steps. The first is always the acquisition of data – a project's success hinges upon the quality of the data. The second step is a comprehensive analysis to create a reliable basis for planning. This reveals potential for improvement upon which subsequent planning steps can be based. The third step – optimisation – is about optimising existing logistics processes and tailoring them to the general conditions, thereby covering current and future requirements. The fourth and final step is the design and formulation of a tailor-made solution which includes aspects such as the selection of suitable shelf and transport systems as well as the development of warehouse layouts and automation concepts.

Clarity and transparency as the basis for successful consultancy
The STILL intralogistics consultancy team handles around twenty international consultancy projects each year. Customers benefit from their extensive experience and expertise in the fields of process optimisation, tugger train and warehouse planning, and automation. STILL intralogistics consultancy works closely with the relevant employees on site to analyse processes, requirements and potential, whereby transparency and clarity are key. "We only develop concepts if we are absolutely convinced of their feasibility and long-term success. Our customers' aims as well as the general conditions and realistic opportunities for their organisation play a decisive role here," explains Marina Hein, Head of Intralogistics Consulting at STILL.
Seventy-five percent of all projects concern automation
Automation is the megatrend in current consultancy projects. Three quarters of all project requests at STILL now involve evaluation of automation opportunities for customers. A fact which reveals that the future lies in digitally controlled, internal processes – something on which all experts agree. In the age of industry 4.0, future-proof consltancy must be able to demonstrate today how digital warehouse data and internal physical logistics processes can be combined to unleash the best possible added value and how automated and autonomous systems can be integrated into the existing work environment. In concrete terms, this means "creating the conditions today so that customers will be able to integrate automation elements into their process organisation as required in the future,” explains Marina Hein.

Digital solutions as a value-enhancing addition to sound advice
Alongside optimisation through automation, intelligent software tools also add to commercial success. While intralogistics consultancy identifies decisive potential on a process level, powerful web applications such as STILL neXXt fleet offer customers the opportunity to independently optimise their fleet of industrial trucks. In the digital age, such tools give companies an overview of their fleet anywhere and at any time. This allows optimal use of vehicles based on clear information, prevents overcapacity and means that service activities can be optimally planned based on production workflows. Notification functions automatically remind customers when specific cost limits or deadlines are exceeded, so nothing escapes their attention. Both elements – process optimisation by a consultant and fleet optimisation through digital 'self-management' of vehicles – intelligently and reliably ensure that customers can profit from the professional expertise and technological skill of STILL over the long term. It's a success story that's set to run and run.
Consulting competence by STILL
For more information and any questions on the subject of individualisation, our specialist consultants will be happy to assist you.